新更新| 2024年4月
- 2024年我们将如何支持初创企业
- 如何十大正规博彩网站评级我们的导师计划
- 会员大会详情
- 与其他成员见面的方式
- 如何从招聘中获得最大收益
- 全球最大的博彩平台数字正在发生的一切!
启动激活器 programme will give businesses in the early stage of development an unbiased and unvarnished view of the startup landscape and an introduction to all the programmes, investments and support that are on offer across the Greater Manchester region.
Manchester Digital's 启动激活 will help startups in the Greater Manchester region maximise success, taking you from idea to early traction stage with all the knowledge and resources you need to flourish.
The programme will include exclusive founder network meet-ups, workshops and access to an active supportive community which includes investors, 更值得信赖的专业服务支持.
星期四| 2024年5月16日| 09:30-11:30
请在5月16日星期四十大正规博彩网站评级全球最大的博彩平台数字, 2024, in-person for session four of our new 启动激活 programme. Places are extremely limited for this event so please book early!
你能帮助创业公司吗?? 我们在寻找合作伙伴
We are looking for partners to support this programme and help us deliver 12 months of valuable information and insight to the next generation of tech businesses and make sure that Greater Manchester continues to grow great businesses.
联系 凯特.wilson@mindbodyvibe.net 讨论.
MentorHER is a sustainable mentoring programme supporting women to thrive in the tech sector in our region. 社区是MentorHER的重要组成部分, with participants forging relationships not only with their partners but a whole network of women across Greater Manchester and beyond.
The programme takes each cohort through the following:
- A Kick-Off Event, where our cohort meet, get to know each other & 为项目设定目标
- 导师培训 & 学员
- Monthly Connect sessions online where Mentors come together & 学员 come together with our programme leaders for bespoke training & 支持响应他们的需求(可选)
- 每月导师-学员会议超过6个月
- 节目结束庆祝活动
MentorHER is not about teaching specific technical skills such as coding, but instead draws on coaching techniques alongside advice, networking and other traditional mentoring practices to help 学员 flourish. 作为一个部门, we need to ensure that women are encouraged not only to join but also to feel confident to thrive in their careers within the sector.
A dedicated Level 4 apprenticeship for female software developers to thrive, not just survive
★环绕式支持, additional training and development bespoke to the barriers and challenges women in tech face
★ Anchored to the 数字她 community network support
★感应 & “准备就绪”技术基础训练(2周)
★技术培训 & 专业能力单位.
★ 支持ive progress review meetings for the apprentice, 每8周进行一次直线经理和专业技能培训
★ 数字她 Connects events run throughout the 数字她 Community to
说话 Mal@mindbodyvibe.net 更详细地讨论这个问题!
Upskill colleagues or take from our pool of diverse talent
Recruit a digital apprentice with Manchester Digital by 29th April to guarantee their place on the upcoming June cohort! Develop your internal candidate or utilise our diverse Software Development talent pools to fill your organisation’s recruitment need. 今天就和你的客户经理取得联系!
Jot these dates down in your diary to make sure you don't miss out!
数字她 presents: Lift as You Climb - How YOU can be a real champion for inclusion
星期四| 2024年5月23日| 11:00 - 12:30
十大正规博彩网站评级 数字她 and special guests from across our community to explore some of the hidden challenges your teams are facing, 了解你可以扮演的重要角色, 并庆祝引领潮流的变革者. 通过提升自己,成为改变的一部分.
提示: Please note: You must book a free ticket to enter DTX 2024 to access this event: DTX 2024票
星期四| 2024年6月20日| 12:45 - 17:00
十大正规博彩网站评级 us for Manchester Digital's annual Member Conference on Thursday 20th June. We will bring together some of the top digital and tech companies in Manchester.
Through a series of learning sessions provided by our members and networking, we'll dive into some of the most pressing issues facing our industry today.
为第二季度做好准备,并查看我们的活动日历, 展示全球最大的博彩平台数字会员发布的活动.
你能介绍一下吗?科技的道德未来”? If you are interested in speaking at our Members Conference in June, please complete this form.
If you would like to sponsor our Member Conference, please email 凯特.wilson@mindbodyvibe.net
每个星期二, the jobs board round-up is shared on our social media channels and groups from the Manchester Digital jobs board to let job seekers discover new roles.
如果你们在招人,请告诉我! 电子邮件 ellie@mindbodyvibe.net
- 成员的新闻
- 会员活动日历
- 工作委员会
- 十大正规博彩网站评级#MDTechCommunity Slack频道
- 已经是Slack组的成员了? (mdtechcommunity.松弛.com)
- LinkedIn页面.
- Linkedin集团.
- 推特.